Design-Build Process

Design Needs and Desires Assessment

This is the information gathering and analyzing phase. It encompasses all work necessary prior to actually designing your project. During this time, we formulate a detailed “program” which defines your needs and objectives. We begin to consider function, character, and image of people and natural spaces. We analyze and diagram your site (if you haven’t already purchased one, we will assist you in locating, evaluating and purchasing one) and determine the best orientation and placement of the building to maximize energy efficiency and optimize vistas. During this stage we also establish a budget and rough schedule.

Conceptual Design

Conceptual Design is the brainstorming and exploration phase. It begins with concept diagrams and rough sketches. During this phase we determine the general layout, form and overall appearance of both the building and the site. Sketches and drawings are prepared to help evaluate the ideas and concepts and set the final direction for refining the design. In this phase we are focused on the connection between inside space and outside space and how to maximize the building’s efficiencies.

Design Development

In the Design Development phase, the size, layout and character of the building and site are refined. We design feature elements such as stairs, cabinetry, and built-in furniture. Drawings are prepared that describe the important technical details. Plans, elevations and sections through the building are developed. Early on in this phase our lead carpenters and major subcontractors are brought in to provide insight and trouble shooting. This saves a great deal of time that, in a traditional process of designing first and then building, would be wasted redesigning only after a design has first been completed with problems. This design build integration also saves money by providing input into the design phase from those who know how to streamline the construction process. During this phase we begin to work with you to make selections on items such as fixtures, cabinetry and floor coverings.

Construction Development

Construction Development is the phase where the design is translated into the technical language of the contractor. Working drawings (blueprints) and specifications, which define in detail all of the materials that are to be incorporated into the building, are prepared, where they are to be located and how they are to be installed. Although this phase is primarily intended for working out the technical aspects of the project, some elaboration of design also takes place. In addition, light fixtures, plumbing fixtures, and finish materials (tile, carpet, paint colors, etc.) are selected.


During the Bidding phase, we distribute sets of drawings and specifications, answer subcontractor questions, and prepare addenda (revisions to the original drawings or specifications). Once the bids are received, we analyze the results and prepare a refined schedule and a construction contract.


Finally your project begins to emerge as something more than concept. Our production department will work with you during this time to make sure that you understand what is happening as things take shape and to answer any questions you may have. The design team will continue to monitor the process to make sure that the design is built as intended.

Warranty and Continuing Care

Occasionally we will need to come back after a building or remodeling project has been finished to make final adjustments. We are always available to monitor and repair our projects.  Our goal is to build relationships and projects that will last for generations to come.